Cygwin: Install clusterssh


The installation is not that hard, it just takes some time and you need to figure out what perl modules you need. Install the following cygwin packages: Perl/perl-Tk X11/tcl-tk X11/xorg-server Start the X Win Server as Administrator and install the perl modules: cpan X11::Protocol cpan Exception::Class cpan Try::Tiny cpan Readonly cpan Test::DistManifest cpan Test::Trap cpan Read More

Cygwin: save package selection


Save open a cygwin terminal and ander this command tail -n +2 /etc/setup/installed.db | awk ‘{print $1}’ | sed ‘s/$/,/’ | tr -d ‘\n’ Save the output string or redirect the output to a file Restore start the cygwin setup with the following options setup.exe -q -P bc,nedit,screen,vim,wget,wgf,zsh,…