
create a photo without any traces in your photo library

screenshot01 screenshot02 screenshot03

This one is perfect to create a picture to look under your couch/bed/other hard to reach places.

Features: – simple user interface – camera live view will be displayed on screen – tab on the live view and it will freeze – tab on the picture and you will see the live view again

tempPhoto - Trinitor

Q: I want feature xyz. Could you add it?
A: Maybe. Send me a mail and I will see what I can do. The app is designed to be as simple as possible.

Q: The App icon is not good enough. Could you change it?
A: I’m not a designer. If you send me a better one or if I earn enough money with this app I will think about it 🙂

Q: Why did you wrote this app? The photo app is easier to reach.
A: Yep, that’s true. But I had a lot of photos on my phone that I don’t wanted to keep. So I’ve created this small little app for myself. And maybe there is someone out there who find it useful too. In addition to that I wanted to learn how to bring the App into the store.
